RK Gardens
San Marzano, Mountain Magic, Five Star Grape, and Bumblebee tomatoes. We are pruning and vining differently this year and already see a huge difference in results.
Two Mountain Magic tomato bunches grew together. While it looks really neat, I'm afraid the fruits on the inside won't get enough light to ripen.
Starting seeds can be fun, but it can also be disappointing if nothing grows. We have great luck starting cucumbers, they ALL grow!
Arapaho, Padron, and Jalafuego hot peppers with Queen Sophia Marigolds and Tomatillos interplanted
Blueberries are pretty difficult to grow in North Texas, they require highly acidic soil. While our plants came back for their second year, they are not thriving like they should be.
We discovered the benefit of growing garlic last year and this year planted twice as much. Next year we are thinking of quadrupling our planting, because garlic LOVES to grow here.
Mint also loves to grow here. Unfortunately. A hard lesson learned, our mint is taking over our herb spiral. Contact us if you are interested in mint seedlings or cuttings, we have plenty!
We are so excited to have so many young raspberries growing on our one and two year bushes. We are hoping for an actual harvest this spring! More to come on these guys.
Our grapes are on their second year and truly growing this year. We are hoping they will fruit next spring.
Our herb spiral was the first garden we installed. This sage is two years old now and almost taking over its spot.
The part of farming that had me interested before coming to RK McFarmland was the plant aspect. I have always enjoyed growing houseplants, but through learning to farm, gardening and experimenting in all the new ways that I have learned to plant has become a passion.
We currently have these perennials:
Peach trees
Raspberry bushes
Blueberry bushes
Pecan trees
Almond trees
And we also maintain a market garden of seasonal vegetables. As our knowledge and ability grows, we plan to continue to grow fresh produce in an array of methods to offer for sale in local food markets and as an aspect of our educational services.
Garden Workdays
We have begun to offer garden workdays to a small group of friends and are looking into offering these workdays to a larger audience, if there is interest. Please contact us to let us know if you would like to join our community and help make things grow!